Peter-Paul de Wolf
Statistics Netherlands
P.O. Box 24500
2490 HA The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 337 5060
Last update: 10 Oct 2011
Management (WP 8)
Leading partner: CBS
Participating partners: CBS, IStat, ONS, StBa, URV
The management of the CASC-project is the major responsibility of the first contractor.
However for a proper management a steering group is founded. One aspect of this steering group is to have a
representative in each participating country. The second aspect is that the members of the steering group
bare a first responsibility for one or two workpackages. As the NSI’s are the obviously the first group of users,
almost all members of this steering group will be representatives of the NSI’s.
The objective of this workpackage is to set up and implement quality, monitoring, and control procedures to ensure
that WP’s are performed effectively and deliverables produced on time. To aim to resolve project-related problems
and issues as quickly as possible, to minimise risk of delays or failures to produce deliverables.
Description of work
Bringing together a fairly large group of experts in this field has resulted in many partners. Controlling this group
by one central coordinator would be a too massive task. Therefor this steering group has been implemented.
Through the steering group the communication lines between the different parts of the consortium will be much smaller.
Organise, chair and document 6-monthly steering group meetings and yearly project meetings. Monitor developments
in all work packages. Attend work package meetings as appropriate. Establish effective communication mechanisms
by ensuring that relevant information/ documents are distributed as appropriate within the project.
Set up quality monitoring and control procedures to ensure deliverables are produced on time. Produce project progress
reports at three-monthly intervals.
The CASC-project has been build around the development of the development of the ARGUS software. The evaluation of these
products is already the major topic of WP6. The reports emerging form this WP is a major part of the evaluation of the work
in progress. The rather short cycle of testing ensures that a timely report will be written to allow the development-team
to take the remarks into account.
Other parts of the project not only aim at making deliverables in the project but also aim at publishing the resulting
papers in internationally refereed journals. This also enhances the quality of the output of CASC.
Milestones and expected result
The efforts of this workpackage aim at the proper management of CASC. The quality of the steering group will be a
major guarantee that the project will managed appropriately.